We bought a Christmas tree today, and put it up and decorated it, all in one clean sweep...probably the quickest Christmas tree fiasco we've ever had. Me and my mom usually put off getting one until it is almost too late, then spend forever trying to pick one out that is good enough and for a cheap enough price...then we dread and procrastinate on actually decorating it. Some years, we've just left it plain and undecorated. Last year, we actually ended up not having a tree at all! But, for whatever reason (I think because we were also helping out our neighbors), our tree finding and decorating was quick and easy and painless this year!
Babysitting is keeping me busy...worked 50 hours this week :-)
Bike riding is going so-so. I need to do it more though!
My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew will be here in like 10 days! It is nice that I get another chance to see them again. When I visited them in LA in September I thought it was going to be the last time I would see them for 2.5 years. But with my first departure canceled, now I get another chance to spend more time with them! :-)
My brother turned 27 yesterday and I joked that he is old. And he made the comment that I will be that old by the time I get back from Africa! Aghh!
There are now 11 of us in my Zambia Facebook Group. There should be a lot more of us...but I don't know where they all are. If you, or anyone you know, has an invite to Zambia for January or February, tell them to join our group http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_148215408556589&ap=1
Also, check my link "Other PCV Blogs" on my sidebar---I just added links to some of the people's blogs that will be in my group going to Zambia in Jan.
Haha! It's scary thinking how old you'll be after the PC. I just keep thinking. "Wow. 24."