Friday, January 28, 2011

DONE Packing

The scales at Publix agreed this morning---- exactly 80 lbs. So, that means my bags are packed and staying that way! Nothing else is going in or out of them! If I find or think of any other little random things, they will have to fit in my carry-on (although there is not much room left in there either).

I also cleaned and packed up my bedroom this morning. I separated my remaining clothes into a keep pile and a get rid of pile. And we decided at the last minute that we will go ahead and have a Yard sale tomorrow morning to try to get rid of stuff :-)

I also took some cups of loose/spare change to the coin counter at Publix and made $30! Woohoo! Definitely wasn't expecting it to be that much b/c it was just pennies, nickels, and dimes.

Only a couple days left!


  1. Good luck with your yard sale! also, take your coins to your bank next time, they should count them and then deposit it into your account, and not take the fee that coinstar does!

  2. We tried the bank first, and she said they couldn't take them & told us to go to Publix lol. Coinstar only took $2.50 out of $33, so that wasn't too bad, I still ended up with $30 :-)
